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How is Get Plenish Vision different?

What is AREDS2?

What is the difference between the orange and the green bottle?

Can I eat my carrots and veggies instead?

I have cataract. Does this formula help?

How common are cataract and AMD?

Does it help with glaucoma?

How is Get Plenish Vision different?


Based on the clinically-researched AREDS 2 formula supported by the National Eye Institute, Get Plenish Vision was formulated by an experienced ophthalmologist to create a proprietary and potent formula to support eye health. It contains all the important eye nutrients that other products do not have.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin - clinically-proven dosage to support macular pigment density

CoQ10 - support faster nerve regeneration with profound effect on eye health

Resveratrol - anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory to support ocular health

Turmeric - powerful antioxidant to fight with oxidative stress

Ginkgo - contains flavonoids which can support macular health

Bilberry - powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties for night vision

Taurine - powerful anti-oxidant to support macular health

Other than the proprietary ingredients, we also source from the best. Other low cost brands use toxic food coloring and fillers that are damaging to the health. In order to cut cost, they also use low-cost lutein or use a mix of low-cost lutein that cannot be easily absorbed. There is a 5-10 times difference in the wholesale cost of lutein depending on their bioavailability. Some other formulas have soy in it and if they don't specify the source, it is likely low-cost GMO soy that is not good for health.

Our facility is GMP certified meaning that each batch of ingredient is tested to ensure product quality.

What is AREDS2?

Age Related Eye Study 2 (AREDS2) is a 5-year study sponsored by the National Eye Institute. The purpose of the study is to evaluate whether or not oral supplements made with the AREDS formulation have an effect on the progression of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 

After the original trial ended, the investigators followed the AREDS participants for an additional five years. By the end of this 10-year period, about 70 percent of participants were taking the AREDS formulation. The investigators found that participants who had been assigned to the AREDS formulation in the original trial were 25-30 percent less likely to develop advanced AMD than those who had originally been assigned to placebo. Among participants at the highest risk for AMD, 34 percent who had taken the AREDS formulation in the trial progressed to advanced AMD, compared to 44 percent who had taken the placebo.

What is the difference between the orange and the green bottle?

If you are already taking a multivitamin, take the green bottle to focus on the eyes.

If not, take the orange bottle to provide the whole body of antioxidants and minerals for immune support and eye nutrients. According to the National Eye Institute's 5 year AREDS 2 study, it says "In AREDS2, almost nine of ten participants took multivitamins."

Can I eat my carrots and veggies instead?

In answering to the quesetion "Can diet alone provide the same high levels of antioxidants and zinc as the AREDS formulations?", the National Science Institute's report says "No. The high levels of vitamins and minerals are difficult to achieve from diet alone." Also, "former smokers who took... beta-carotene had a higher incidence of lung cancer." But in the clinical AREDS 2 trial, "those who received lutein/zeaxanthin supplements had a 26 percent reduced risk of developing advanced AMD compared with those who did not receive the supplements."

I have cataract. Does this formula help?

Cataract is formed because the protein is damaged and hardened which can only be removed through surgery. Please consult an ophthalmologist about the stage of the the cataract to see if it's ready for surgery. To prevent cataract from worsening, from the American Optometric Association, antioxidant vitamins C & E and carotenoids Lutein & Zeaxanthin lower risk for developing new cataracts. Our AREDS 2 formula has all of these eye nutrients.

When the AREDS participants were ranked into five equal-sized groups according to their dietary lutein/zeaxanthin intake, supplementation with lutein/zeaxanthin appeared to make a difference for the group with the lowest dietary levels. Within that group, lutein/zeaxanthin was associated with a 32 percent reduction in progression to cataract surgery.

How common are cataract and AMD?

AMD and cataract are major causes of visual disability in the United States. It is estimated that 24.4 million Americans over age 40 have cataracts, or have had surgery to treat them. About 2 million people in the U.S. age 50 and over have vision loss caused by advanced AMD. About four times as many people have an intermediate stage of AMD, with or without vision loss.


Does it help with glaucoma?

Glaucoma is related to the built-up of eye pressure and it is crucial to be monitored by an ophthalmologist. But does diet help? Absolutely! From Glaucoma Foundation, omega-3 and ginkgo can support ocular blood flow. But remember that you shouldn't take these before any surgery because they are blood thinners and can increase the flow of blood during a surgery. Other recommendations from Glaucoma Foundation are Vitamins A, C ,E, Zinc, Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Our Complete formula has all of these. Please consult your ophthalmologist before having any lifestyle change.